Signs That a Primary School Is a Good Fit


Many parents and guardians admit that their biggest nightmare is when their children do not like the school they are in. There are many factors that could determine how a child blends into the primary school they are in. These include things like the environment at home, how the child is being treated by teachers and peers, and the personality of the child. Some children are not overly expressive about how they feel, but these are some of the signs that will give you an indication that the primary school you chose is a good fit.

They Are Making Friends

If the child is making friends and looks enthusiastic about spending time with those friends, then it is a positive sign that the school environment is right. If they are constantly talking about their friends and they sound genuinely happy to meet them when they go to school, it shows that they are in an environment where they are happy and thriving.

Excited About School Projects

Another sure sign that your child’s primary school is a good fit is when they are excited about the projects they are doing. When they come home and are genuinely excited about embarking on a project, it is a good indicator that they are enjoying lessons. Projects and exams can cause pressure on young people, so it helps when they are in an environment where they feel supported.

Less Disciplinary Cases

It is normal for a primary school child to get into a disciplinary issue once in a while. However, when they are always in trouble with the school and no amount of intervention seems to be helping, it could be a sign that the school is not a good fit for them. Examine what is going on at home and whether it could be affecting them. You should then talk candidly with them to identify if they are having trouble with the school.