It is not uncommon for parents to complain that their children are spending too much time on their electronics. Yet, even at the primary level digital learning has become part of the mainstream teaching. There is no doubt that the technology is playing an important role in the classroom. While this is exciting and can …
Author: shirley
What is Technology Doing to Primary School Students?
Not all that long ago, parents were complaining that calculators were replacing the good old pen and paper for doing math. Now the technology that is available to children even at the primary school level has gone way beyond the calculator. It seems now what one finds in the backpacks of the young ones, is …
Is Science Going to Be Shunned in UK Primary Schools?
Almost everyone in the UK and many of the other countries will agree that reading, writing and mathematics are the priority subjects for any student, starting right from the primary grade level. There are other subjects that make up part of the primary curriculum which include science but is it at risk of being reduced …
Are There Dress Codes in the UK Primary Schools
For the most part in the UK there are specific dress codes that apply to the children in school even at the primary level. This has long been accepted and the majority of the schools insist on children wearing the school uniform. There are some distinct advantages to this beside it being a way to …
Yoga And Mindfulness In Primary Schools
Yoga and mindfulness curriculum is a new concept sweeping the nation; it is designed to sharpen student’s intellect, improve their mental and physical well being. It can be integrated with the Physical Education class or can be a course on its own as a lunchtime activity or yoga club. Many school teachers are seeking training …
Progress Measurements for Primary Students in the UK
What is important for every child in the school system no matter whether it is in the UK or other countries like the USA or Canada is the sats. What these are is the national curriculum tests. At one time as the SATs were reported on according to the level that the child was performing …
Differences Between UK and Amercian Primary Education
It is always interesting to check out the differences in education in various countries. Perhaps the closest in their educational system is the UK and the USA. This is partly because these two countries having teamed up to parallel their educational system which is of great advantage to international students. On the primary level which …
Primary School Education in the UK
The UK is very proud of its school system and rightly so. There are four different levels within the school system. Parents who have children that are just about to enter into the school system need to begin by looking at the primary level as this is the starting point for young children in the …
PE And Sports In Primary Schools
Physical education and sports in primary schools have been an important part of the education framework since it was implemented in learning institutions in the 19th century. Some of the reasons why it was introduced were because it was argued that PE and sports promote mental, physical, and social wellbeing. Also, according to research by …
Difficult Children In the Primary School System
Teachers that have taken up positions in the UK primary school system are faced with many challenges. One of the most that is critically important is dealing with difficult children. One of the factors that make this so difficult are the large number of students that a teacher is responsible for in her classroom with …